Aerodrums is a great tool for learning the drums. When you can’t play a drum set at home, Aerodrums enables you to practice between lessons. It’s perfect for mastering coordination and timing. It also helps you develop good technique. With Aerodrums you can even mirror your teacher’s drum set.
Above all, it’s fun so it will keep you engaged with your learning.
“I’ve taught drums for 20 years, when I see beginners give up it’s usually because they don’t practice at home. Aerodrums is the perfect complement to a practice pad to make learning drums at home fun.”
Gaetano Fasano – Educator, session drummer and clinician
Watch this video of pro drummers trying Aerodrums for the first time at a trade show. Their drumming skills translate immediately to playing Aerodrums. When you practice on Aerodrums, your progress reflects straight away when you play on a traditional drum set.
We make another revolutionary program for drummers. It's gotten a reputation among pros who often write drum parts. But you can also use it to learn drum notation. And it's free for a limited time.
"Aered is a gem, it's so intuitive and quick." - Craig Blundell
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