Graphics card

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Graphics card

Post by sooma007 » Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:13 pm

I am in the process of buying a new laptop and want to make sure I get one with a good enough graphic card so I get the proper FPS. Would anyone happen to know if a NVIDIA® GeForce® MX250 (4 GB GDDR5) would run it okay? What with the overall more power of computers now as well I thought it would. Am i right in assuming quite a few people use gaming laptop/desktops for Aerodrums? I always ran it on an intergrated graphics card which was good but I always felt it couldnt keep up with the fast jazz cymble patterb which may have been due to it.thank Simpn

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Re: Graphics card

Post by sooma007 » Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:03 pm

In response to my own question clearly since 2014 a dedicated graphics card wasn't needed necessarily due to the 3 graphic modes you could switch between to get the desired 125 FPS - although the manual still says you need a dedicated graphics. I was thinking more in terms of using it with a DAW and with the 3D mode then I guess a little more power would be handy. 16 gigs of RAM is now recommended when using a DAW with windows 10. Then of course which processor, how many GHZ. My Samsung of 7 years standing has coped with it all pretty well i guess but time to get something newer with a bit more power.

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Re: Graphics card

Post by Richard » Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:16 am

Hi Simon, a GeForce MX250 should be more than enough to run Aerodrums fine and, in terms of graphics, will likely be fine for running the Aerodrums 3D app on the same computer as Aerodrums (remember that you can also run it on a phone, tablet or another computer if performance is an issue). A dedicated graphics card isn't a requirement.

It is difficult to judge what kind of machine you need to run Aerodrums alongside various DAWs but in the worst case, switching to one of the better performing but lower graphics quality modes in Aerodrums will help a lot. In our experience, if your computer can run the DAW and run Aerodrums ok independently then running Aerodrums through the DAW hasn't been a problem. That said, the Aerodrums+Aerodrums 3D+DAW use case hasn't been through much testing yet.

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Re: Graphics card

Post by sooma007 » Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:39 pm

Thanks Richard.

Sorry to be a pain, I am finding it hard to find a laptop that covers all my needs and am back to considering one with a intergrated card. When you say you dont need a dedicated graphics card do you think a laptop with intel uhd graphics 630 with 16 gig of ram and 6 core, would run it all adequately also?

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Re: Graphics card

Post by Richard » Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:43 am

There was a report in another thread from someone with a Mac Mini and an Intel UHD Graphics 630 that Aerodrums didn't run well. I suspect that the problem was more to do with the Mac Mini than the graphics card but if there is an option other than the UHD Graphics 630 then you might want to consider that instead. I would be very surprised though if the laptop you described had an issue.

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Re: Graphics card

Post by drake450 » Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:26 am

I use AMD radeon RX 580 4 GB and a Ryzen 3 2200G with a 16 GB ram, will it be able to run aerdodrums 3D? I tried running it on Nvidia GTX 1050ti but it did not worked out.

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Re: Graphics card

Post by Richard » Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:18 pm

I would have expected the GTX 1050ti to run Aerodrums 3D fine. How did it behave? Did it run ok but the performance was sluggish?

It can be difficult to judge performance when running Aerodrums on the same computer as Aerodrums 3D as Aerodrums itself is quite computationally intensive. However, there are some options hidden in the Aerodrums 3D menu that can improve performance drastically (see the 'Performance' section here: In particular, you can enable a mode where the drum kit becomes a static background image and only the sticks are re-rendered each frame. It's worth trying...

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