Aerodrums 3d performance question

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Posts: 59
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Aerodrums 3d performance question

Post by bkmsx » Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:35 pm

I am running aerodrums on an M1 Mac mini now and enjoying the improved graphic performance.
Can use aerodrums 3d no problem but am wondering if with a 60fps in the 3d app, does that restrict the FPS overall for drumming? It sort of feels like it does, and without aerodrums 3d running performance feels better. Not tested for that long so not certain.

I sometimes use AD To introduce students to drumming so the nice visuals of 3d aid in getting familiar initially.

Recap: does frame rate in 3d (running on same machine as main prog) affect main app frame rate?

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Re: Aerodrums 3d performance question

Post by Richard » Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:26 pm

When you run the Aerodrums app and the Aerodrums 3D app, Aerodrums will send data (marker positions, etc.) to Aerodrums 3D. Aerodrums 3D is only used to display this data so the frame rate it runs at is completely independent of the Aerodrums app.

However, you should check that Aerodrums can maintain 125 FPS (and that the performance indicator in the top left corner of the Aerodrums drumming screen remains green all the time). If this is not the case then the load on your computer from having Aerodrums and Aerodrums 3D running at the same time is probably too great.

In this case, you can try adjusting settings in Aerodrums 3D to make it less taxing on your computer. See the 'Performance' section here:

Another option would be to run Aerodrums 3D on a phone or tablet. Provided your Mac and your mobile device are both connected to the same WiFi network then Aerodrums will connect to Aerodrums 3D and send data to it over the network.

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Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:16 pm

Re: Aerodrums 3d performance question

Post by bkmsx » Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:18 pm

Thanks, was curious since the 3d app is topping at 60fps but consistent, and of course to check main app, you have to swap screens, but will do a more thorough check.
Definitely nice change to not have to ctrl-g just to drum ;)

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