Shot detection: far away from the shapes

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Shot detection: far away from the shapes

Post by angelone » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:32 am

Shot detection: far away from the shapes

Hi I have a problem,
with 2 elements kit (snare drum +hit hat) configuration,
I can hit the snare 3-4 times to the right from its original position (right bottom corner)
Similar effect with the hit-hat, I can hit it without touching it with the stick

This is a big problem the hit happens also when my stick is it up (before to hit the snare drum), the hit-hat is triggered

Is not possible to trigger the event only when the shot is in the shape of the object?

I don't know if can be a problem with the screen resolution, maybe I Installed aerodrums using HDMI on a screen with lowest resolution

Please let me know asap, If is not fixable I think i will ask for the refund of the product

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Re: Shot detection: far away from the shapes

Post by Richard » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:25 pm

Hi, this has nothing to do with screen resolution. This is the way Aerodrums was designed. When you make a hitting gesture it will trigger a sound for the closest drum, regardless of how near or far it is. This is what allows you to hit the intended drum with a high rate of success, even when you're not looking at the screen for reference. Hopefully, once you're aware of this you will realise that it's not a problem. That said, we will be introducing a new feature that will let you limit the extent of each drum so that it won't trigger if the stick is too far away from it. This will be purely optional though.

I didn't quite understand this:
"This is a big problem the hit happens also when my stick is it up (before to hit the snare drum), the hit-hat is triggered"
Do you mean that when you try to hit the snare drum, the hi-hat is being triggered instead? Hits will not be triggered on an up stroke unless you swing the stick back very far. Can you try reduce how far back you swing and see if that helps?

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Re: Shot detection: far away from the shapes

Post by angelone » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:37 pm

Thanks for your reply,
Sorry for my bad english, the new feature that will let me to limit the extent of each drum so that it won't trigger if the stick is too far away from it, is what I need.
The better will be to limit it to the shape of each drum. (And/Or a functionality for to set the circle/area where it can trigger events)

I understand your point of view about the triggering design (And as you said before, for to have a high rate of succes...), but this is my first drum kit and maybe the problem is me, I try reach the shapes accurately and I think for newbies like me (in learning phase) is useful to have the new option
(I readed about other users having the same problem like me)

How much time this new option requires for to be released?

Thanks for your support.
Aerodrums is very funny

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Joined: Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:45 am

Re: Shot detection: far away from the shapes

Post by Richard » Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:55 pm

Fair point, I can see how limiting the extent of the drums could be useful for a beginner to train yourself into being consistent about where you're hitting. One option for now would be to use a kit with many pieces (such as the big rock/jazz kit presets). At least that way if you don't hit close enough to the drum you intend you'll hit something else and know that you weren't accurate enough. We don't yet have a date for the release of the new feature but it will likely be available in a free update in the next couple of months.

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