Windows 10

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Windows 10

Post by keefdabass » Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:04 pm

Hi folks,
I'm currently running W7 Home Premium 64bit SP1.
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.8GHz
VideoCard: 511MB NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
Interface: Focusrite Saffire 6 USB (Also just started using Reaper with various VSTs but I'm a total novice at that - biiiig learning curve!)
...all in a sesame seed, no, I mean a Medion desktop PC (ALDI special...bless 'em :) ).
Latency: I'm currently using the Windows default setting, which AD says is the worst option, but it's actually using the Saffire ASIO, and I'm getting 2.9ms latency at 128 samples.
Seems fine to drum with, and I can run VLC media player or YouTube simultaneously to play along with.

So far Aerodrums has been rock solid, no glitches, good latency.

8 months after its initial release, Microsoft have decided my PC can now run Windows 10. (Until now, the W10 upgrade window kept saying my Network Adapter was inadequate. Apparently, not any more).
So, the question is: should I take the plunge or not? After scanning a multitude of forums I'm none the wiser - some say it's great, giving better overall latency, others say it's garbage and has knackered their DAWS and various drivers. :roll:
Any experienced music bods have any opinion? And most importantly, what are your experiences, if any, of running AD in Windows 10?
Any and all comments gratefully received.
Thanks everyone.

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Re: Windows 10

Post by Richard » Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:18 pm

Personally speaking I haven't had any issues running Aerodrums on Windows 10.
But I agree that a lot of people who have upgraded seem to be having problems with audio driver compatibility.
Some more info in this post from yesterday:
What I would suggest is that you first check online to see if Windows 10 drivers have been released for your sound card or if there are any reported compatibility issues.

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Re: Windows 10

Post by keefdabass » Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:01 am

Thanks Richard,
The Saffire 6 I have is the USB 1.1 version, and the Focusrite website says w10 is not supported, but it might work. Erm, not that helpful really!
I have an oldish laptop with w10 on it, so I think I'll give the Saffire a go on that first & see if I can get any sound out at all.
I'll let you know how it pans out.
Thanks again for the traditional rapid response!
Good weekend everyone.

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Re: Windows 10

Post by keefdabass » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:02 am

I tried my Saffire 6 soundcard on my oldish Windows 10 laptop and after downloading and trying a few different drivers from websites 'specialising' in Windows drivers (none of which worked) I went back to the Focusrite site, got their original Saffire USB 1.1 driver (I think from around 2011) and hey presto! Working...hurrah!
After that I took the plunge and hit the Windows 10 update on my desktop.
I left everything exactly as I'd had it on W7 - 2 hours later after the upgrade had completed, fired everything up and to my amazement (and considerable relief) everything seems to work.
Aerodrums, Saffire, Reaper, VSTs, all good. Large sigh of relief.
Onwards and upwards.
Happy Easter everyone.

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Re: Windows 10

Post by Richard » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:20 am

Great to hear that. Thanks for the update and Happy Easter to you too.

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Re: Windows 10

Post by keefdabass » Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:50 pm

Meh. It being Easter, I think I counted my chickens too soon! Next time I started up (my desktop PC) I noticed that playback on mp3s, wavs etc was a bit distorted. Not massively, but the top end sounded very 'crunchy' and not at all clean.
Checked it on my usual reference tracks (Donald Fagen's 'Nightfly') and sure enough, something was amiss.
Started Aerodrums and had a really close listen, and the samples were all being distorted too - most noticeable was the hi-hat, which sounded really graunchy (not in a good way!)
Anyhow, long story short - after much tinkering I discovered that the date on my Saffire driver was different to the one I'd downloaded for testing on my laptop. So during the W10 upgrade process, Microsoft had decided to arbitrarily change my soundcard driver ("...all your files will be exactly where you left them..." hah!).
Nipped onto the Focusrite site again and downloaded the old USB 1.1 driver, and Bob's your mother's brother, all sounds clean again and AD working fine.
Just a cautionary tale for anyone else who might be considering the W10 update. From my experience only, I would emphasise the importance of getting the 'right' drivers for any of your music gear. Go to the manufacturers website, not a third party driver supplier, and don't assume that the latest available driver is necessarily the best. Trial & error is a great teacher :roll:

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Re: Windows 10

Post by keefdabass » Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:32 pm

Oh man, Microsoft..........gah!
This wasn't a one-off - every time I boot my PC I have this distorted top end on everything. Doesn't matter what program or app I'm using - Aerodrums, Reaper, VLC player, youtube, everything & anything with audio output.
The quickest fix I've found so far is to go: Control Panel>Device Manager>Sound, Video & Game Controllers, open up my Saffire 6 properties, disable the driver (which is showing as the correct Focusrite one?) then re-enable it. Then everything works fine, no distortion. Huh :?:
It's not brokenas such, but it's a right royal PITA to do that everytime I boot.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can stop Windows 10 from winding me up like this?!
(BTW, Microsoft forums = no help at all.)
Thanks all.

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Re: Windows 10

Post by keefdabass » Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:35 pm

Problem solved (I think).
Those lovely Focusrite people responded to my plea for help thus:

"If it only occurs when booting up after a full shut down then it could be because you have fast boot enabled. This is a function that allows your computer to boot quickly but can sometimes disrupt audio drivers. To disable fast boot, please go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Click on 'Choose what the power button does' and in the next window untick 'Turn on fast start-up'."

And lo & behold, that seems to have done the trick.
Confession: I didn't even know the 'fast-boot' option existed. I thought W10 was faster than W7 because it was 'leaner' or 'better'. Apparently not - it seems to be that Microsoft make it appear better by buggering up your boot instructions and cutting corners. Thanks MS. More hours of my life I won't get back. Incidentally, the revised 'slower' boot isn't massively different - a few seconds maybe, but not that significant. Doh.

So if anyone else with Windoze 10 is having a similar problem, try this - worked for me :)

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Re: Windows 10

Post by Richard » Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:03 am

Thanks, this is good to know. I wasn't aware of the fast-boot option either.

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