Possible bug: Aerodrums (Windows) doesn’t like spaces in element names. Is concerned (a.o.) Mitch’s “Silent Pad”

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Possible bug: Aerodrums (Windows) doesn’t like spaces in element names. Is concerned (a.o.) Mitch’s “Silent Pad”

Post by Wolfgang » Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:38 pm

By re-reading and looking a bit more into Guillaume Durieux’s post about a problem with Mitch’s “Silent Pad”,

I downloaded the .ele file including the training pad and I created a simple drum kit with only this training pad. Everything worked fine until I left aerodrum and then reopened it. In fact, when I want to train with my training kit again, I get an error message telling me that a part is missing and cannot be loaded
… I think I have found a possible bug in Aerodrums’ Windows version:
Aerodrums doesn’t like spaces in between the element name and the extension point.

And to me that's logic, because in the drumkit ini file there are only the element names without the extension .ele, so it’s impossible for Aerodrums to see if there is a space at the end of the name, will even ignore it and call elementname.ele, but Windows will only find elementname .ele.
It’s not really a problem, just pay attention not to insert spaces in-between element’s name and .ele.

For users of the “Silent Pad” struggling with the same problem, when you open the zip file “Aerodrums_'SilentPad'_Practice_Pad.zip” you should find this:
Silent Pad.jpg
Silent Pad.jpg (21.6 KiB) Viewed 59846 times

To resolve, just stop Aerodrums, look in your Aerodrums’ element folder, get rid of the space in “SilentPad .ele” and restart Aerodrums. It should work now.

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