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light configuration

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 5:57 pm
by gdurieux
Hello everyone,

I bought my aerodrum kit 15 days ago and I'm having a problem as soon as I switch my camera to wide angle.
During configuration, I always get a red circle that only disappears when I switch the camera to a narrow angle (but then I can't get my feet or it's very difficult).

The result is as shown in the attached image:

It's a pain in the arse because I've tried changing location and turning the lights on and off but nothing works. Looking at the shape I have the impression that it's the camera light that's causing the problem but I can't see what I can do to solve it.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Guillaume Durieux

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai acheté il y a maintenant 15 jours mon kit aerodrums et je rencontre un problème dès que je passe ma caméra en grand angle.
En effet, pendant la configuration j'ai toujours un cercle rouge qui ne disparait que lorsque je passe la camera en angle réduit (mais du coup je n'arrive pas a avoir mes pieds ou alors très difficilement).

Cela donne comme sur l'image ci-jointe :

C'est casse pieds car j'ai essayé de changer d'endroit, et d'allumer/éteindre les lumières mais rien n'y fait. au vu de la forme j'ai l'impression que c'est la lumière de la caméra qui pose problème mais je ne vois pas comment faire pour résoudre le problème.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Guillaume Durieux

Re: light configuration

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:51 pm
by Richard
I'm sorry about this issue. The lens on the lamp has become dislodged. You can fix this easily as follows:
- place the lamp flat on a table with the black plastic part in contact with the table, not the LED ring
- place a piece of clean cloth or tissue over your thumb
- push the lens down with your thumb until it moves fully back into its socket (you can use a lot of strength if necessary)

The ring of red blobs you're seeing should be gone after doing this. Make sure you have the camera set back to wide angle mode.

Re: light configuration

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:31 pm
by gdurieux
Perfect, it's working !
