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Post by rodude123 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:25 pm

It's been ages since I've heard anyone talk about linux support. I'm wondering if there is any support for linux or even a guide to get the winodws version of the software running on linux using something like wine. The one thing that is stopping me from buying this is the fact that it is not supported on Linux. Get ting it to work on linux is key for me as it is my primary machine. I know it is hard to support all the distros but if you support the 2 most differntly popular, which is ubuntu then arch linux that would be absolutely brilliant. I would pay for a kickstarter to have it on linux.

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Re: Linux

Post by Wolfgang » Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:36 am

It was Aerodrums who brought me back to Windows five years ago after having used Linux exclusively for 10 years. I still have a CentOS server and a HTPC with Kodi and MythTV running on Ubuntu, but all my other computers are running Windows 10 now. And finally Windows 10 isn’t bad (privacy issues by-side, but a lot of how-tos can help with this). You can download Windows 10 from Microsoft for free, and find official licences for under 5€.

If you know Linux you should be able to set up a dual boot on your primary machine and use Windows only for Aerodrums. (It’s like this I had started using it). You could even never let Windows connect to the network.

I think this is the only way if you want to play with Aerodrums, I don’t think a Linux version will ever see the daylight. Some months ago there was a newsletter that the next Aerodrums will become an autonomous device without the need of any computer.

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Re: Linux

Post by Wolfgang » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:56 pm

Have you seen this post?
rebit wrote:
Tue May 09, 2017 7:29 am

If you want to use Aerodrums in Linux, you can install Linux KVM with "3D Graphics PCI-E passtrought", will work with native performance, but you will need to install Windows into a VM. Two monitors is good, but not required.

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Re: Linux

Post by elloh » Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:33 pm


I'm using ubuntu studio 20.04.

Wine has now USB support in wine 6.0 (this is new !).

I installed wine-6.0 : following this tutorial :

I successfully installed aerodrums 1.1.1 but the camera is still not detected ... Damned !

Hopefully someone will have a solution ?


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Re: Linux

Post by InTheWorks » Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:58 pm

Edit: the latency in this configuration is bad. It can be improved, but full instructions are not provided yet.
Edit2: instructions to fix the latency can be found here.

First of all this is a work in progress. Second of all I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit.

I was able to make aerodrums work under wine. I haven't tested it extensively yet though. It detects drum hits and plays audio, but after the first few seconds the audio goes bad. I won't bother describing it because it's playing through pulse audio. Need to fix that. If anyone knows the best way to do this, please let me know.

The first thing needed to make aerodrums see the camera is to blacklist the linux driver. That can be done by adding a file to /etc/modprobe.d/

Code: Select all

:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-gspca_ov534.conf 
blacklist gspca_ov534
Then you'll need to reboot, or remove the gspca_ov534 module.

Code: Select all

sudo modprobe -r gspca_ov534
After that:

1. install wine (if necessary)
2. sudo apt-get install wine32* (this wasn't installed on my machine)
3. git clone
4. apply the attached patch
5. make then sudo make install libusb-wine

Step 2 is a bit fuzzy. I know libsub-wine wouldn't compile until I installed something and I think wine32-preloader was it.
Edit: I left out an important step.

Code: Select all

cp /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/libusb0.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/
Another option from here:
Ran winecfg and in the libraries section, added libusb0 as a builtin-only library.
At the moment you must use a 32 bit wine because libusb-wine builds a 32-bit binary. That very well may change in the future. If your machine is 32-bit you might not need to do anything special.

One way to use a 32 bit wine is to create a new wine prefix (using winetricks) set for 32 bit. Assuming you named your new prefix win32 you would have to start aerodrums with the wineprefix environment variable set

Code: Select all

:~$ export WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/.local/share/wineprefixes/win32
Then install aerodrums from the same terminal that you exported WINEPREFIX.

Code: Select all

:~$ wine ~/Downloads/aerodrums-setup-v1-1-2.exe
The installer will say something about installing the camera driver (which doesn't matter) and then ask you to plug it in. I suggest you plug the camera in before running the installer.

You'll also need to start aerodrums from that same terminal.

Code: Select all

:~$ wine ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/test/drive_c/Program\ Files/Aerodrums/aerodrums.exe
This can be wrapped up into a script at some point, but if any of this scares you perhaps wait until someone gets around to it.
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Last edited by InTheWorks on Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Linux

Post by InTheWorks » Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:33 pm

Actually compiling libusb-wine for 64 bit was trivially easy. Use the attached patch instead and you should be able to skip the wine prefix stuff above. Meaning it should install like any other program into your applications menu.
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Re: Linux

Post by InTheWorks » Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:57 pm

Using the 64-bit version of libusb-wine, the installer can't see the camera, but that's okay. Just skip past it. The application can see the camera fine.

I've attached a tarball of the binary libraries that will install to the correct place (per the patches I attached earlier). This might not be the best place to put them, but just remove the .txt part of the attachment and untar (as root) from /.

Note that even after installing these binaries, you still need to blacklist the camera driver.
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Re: Linux

Post by InTheWorks » Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:06 pm

I'll also add that audio sounds really good if I force wine to use alsa directly. This requires pointing pulse audio to a different audio device and this also exclusively takes over the alsa device. You won't get any other system sounds.

I don't have much experience with jack, but I'm sure that's another option.

Unfortunately song playback doesn't work. Which is a problem for me. The songs show up in the list, but they don't play. From the drum menu, they don't 'preload' when selecting a song.

It might be possible, with jack, to multiplex system sounds in again. In that case, you could play whatever you wanted from your system. Wouldn't be as convenient as starting/stopping songs with drumsticks though.

And I didn't test recordings. I expect they don't work either.

Midi is not working out of the box either, but I did get it working. The fix is to run winecfg and on the Libraries tab, type midi in the "New override for library", click the add button and make sure it says "midi(native, builtin)" under existing overrides. If not use the edit button to make it so.

After this, I started hydrogen, then started aerodrums and aerodrums could see hydrogen's midi port so I simply selected it. I verified that hitting the snare gave me some midi audio output from hydrogen. I had aerodrums outputting sound directly to the alsa device of my usb dock (via headphones) and hydrogen was using pulseaudio set to the output from my laptop sound card (via the built in speakers). I didn't notice any difference in the sound coming from aerodrums or hydrogen so any latency to midi isn't big enough to notice.

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Re: Linux

Post by InTheWorks » Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:53 pm

Song playback doesn't work for mp3. It relies on windows media player services that don't work in wine (at least that I tried). However, ogg playback works fine and it's easy enough to use ffmpeg to convert mp3 to ogg.

Recording also works at least with a minimal test.

So as far as I can tell, aside from the mp3 playback not working, Aerodrums works in wine. I'll test it out over the next few days and report back any issues.

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Re: Linux

Post by Sipaliwini » Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:46 pm

Wow, a lot of effort and know-how went into this. Thank you for working on it.

Before we can endorse this solution we need to check the patch and understand the implications for the user's system. We haven't had time to do this yet but plan to soon.

Until then, please exercise caution and use your judgement. For example, InTheWorks would know how to reverse the changes they are describing, but you may not. If you want to be certain you won't loose anything, use a fresh Linux installation with no personal data.

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