Aerodrums with Native Instruments

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Aerodrums with Native Instruments

Post by dbphiladelphia » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:28 pm

I guess I'm essentially looking to figure out how to use Aerodrums as a midi controller for Native Instruments. Honestly, I just want the sounds from a particular drumkit, but since all the samples are encrypted, I can't just load them into Aerodrums. In the future, I'd really like to see Aerodrums offer (either independently or in partnership) more kit options. This would make the product that much more enjoyable and intuitive.

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Re: Aerodrums with Native Instruments

Post by Richard » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:15 pm

It should be possible to trigger any Native Instruments drum kit with Aerodrums. If you're running into a particular problem let us know. There is a video and some info here on setting up Kontakt + Studio Drummer for use with Aerodrums: ... -samplers/

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Re: Aerodrums with Native Instruments

Post by dbphiladelphia » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:26 pm

Thanks much!. I'll check that out this evening. Would still like to see more drums built into the software. I'm not one to complain - I think this is a fantastic product, and I hope it continues to develop and thrive (3 dimensional sensing, for example). As a one-man band, I only have so much room for more equipment, and this product really suits me. The main competition of Aerodrums, I guess, would be electronic drums. Any electric kit is going to come with a lot more samples right out of the box. Sure, you can add more, but that requires finding, obtaining and importing. At the end of the day, are you marketing to all drummers or just computer-savvy ones? I'd totally pay for one-click install sample add-ons to simplify the process provided that I got to hear them first. Again - not saying this to complain. I really think that'd make for a better product all around. It's a brilliant idea and execution. Musicians love to customize, and drummers are no exception.

Hopefully, the setup process won't be too bad. I've got a batch of songs waiting for the right drums. The Aerodrum samples, while good sound quality, aren't my particular cup of tea.

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Re: Aerodrums with Native Instruments

Post by dbphiladelphia » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:59 pm

Alas, setup hasn't gone so smoothly. The NI directories referenced don't exist in the hierarchy as described. Without the right files in the right places, the option to auto map under the name 'Aerodrums" doesn't appear. I've had some luck with using other daw templates, and then manually mapping anything it missed or mismatched, but it's a guessing game when the matrix of note values doesn't match the specific name given under the list of available drums. I see some other threads that sound similar to the issues I'm having, and I'll go through them more thoroughly. However, since every post has to be approved before showing, this doesn't seem like it's going to be a fast vehicle to a solution. I can see perhaps the registration and maybe a brief probation period or something, but requiring mod approval on every post is a serious hindrance to interactivity and inhibits the forum's functionality, and I hope that changes at some point.

I'm a computer guy, but with mostly Windows experience, so I'm essentially learning Mac & MIDI simultaneously, along with applying this to multiple applications. It's a lot to take in, when I just want to get the drums loaded up so I can use them.

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Re: Aerodrums with Native Instruments

Post by Richard » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:11 pm

I understand completely about the samples, thanks for the feedback. We do have plans to record new samples ourselves in the new year but I can't say much more than that right now.

I know it can be tedious to create your own MIDI map which is why we try to support the most popular products out of the box. In case you missed it, the table of MIDI notes that Aerodrums sends for each drum piece is available in the manual: This is the table we reference ourselves when making a MIDI map and should avoid the guessing game. Out of curiosity, which NI product are you using?

I'm sorry about the forum issues. We're not sure why moderator approval is required for your posts. It seems to be an issue only affecting a few of the forum users. We will look into it.

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