I wanted to give you a heads up that our prices are changing. Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, in the wrong direction.
We have kept our prices the same since 2015, but our costs have been steadily rising, particularly in the past 3 years.
Here is how our recommended retail prices are changing:

We are sorry that these are significant increases. We will start rolling out the new prices on the Amazon marketplaces from the 15th of October. Our website will use the new prices from the 24th of October.
In the event that this does not give you enough time to avail of the current prices, we usually run deals in the run up to Christmas. So you can keep an eye open for these, as they will cancel most of the sting of the increases.
Also, in case you did not know, we started offering a payment option in 4 monthly instalments (with no extra charges) last November. You can just select the second option on this page to avail of it:
Yann Morvan
Aerodrums co-creator
Liverpool, 9th of October 2023
* For most countries outside of the locations listed, the USA price applies. In Norway and Sweden, prices are slightly higher and are rising in proportion with the changes above. Please get in touch if you want to know how the price is changing in your specific country.