Hello. I hope you are still doing fine. Since the start of confinement in France because of the Covid-19, I have been looking for solutions to continue rehearsing in a group. Rummaging around, I found two open-source, non-commercial systems that have been around for fifteen years and which are still very well maintained by their developers.
To be precise, these are solutions for playing really in real time over the internet and not like Ninjam with an offset cycle. I just tested the first one, because it allows you to launch your own server. For several days and for several hours, I played with my Aerodrums at home and 3 other musicians connected to my server. And sorry to contradict the sceptics, but it works great. The sound quality may degrade intermittently, but not the latency. It just works, and I never thought it could work as well.
But for using them with Aerodrums you need two computers, each one with an ASIO compatible soundcard, because both are running with 48KHz whilst Aerodrums runs with 44,1KHz. I've tried, but it doesn't work on the same computer.
1) Jamulus https://github.com/corrados/jamulus/wiki
2) Soundjack https://www.soundjack.eu/
If you have any questions, I will try to answer them here.