Decided to show off...

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Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:28 pm

Decided to show off...

Post by frantsuz62 » Sun Sep 22, 2024 6:01 pm

Assembled an infrared camera, according to the instructions of the highly respected Evgeniy.
Works great! (exact instructions are here on the forum)
I made a mistake during assembly - I bought an LED lamp for 850 nm.. - it only worked at a very close distance. I ordered another lamp, for 940 nm and voila! Nothing blinds my eyes.
You can use any glass, even transparent.

I made a stand for the camera from a microphone stand - on the platform, glued a neodymium magnet to the bottom, glued a metal strip to the camera body - it holds perfectly.

I installed SSD 4 Platinum, and I use HOST with it "Cantabile HOST"(Google to the rescue) -very convenient and works great -
The sound card is my old guitar processor - BOSS GT-001 , ASIO present.

If someone thought about doing it - don't hesitate! It's worth doing. Nothing complicated -anyone can do it(the main thing is to find where to print the case)
I am happy

I can't attach a photo

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