Mano Destra/Sinistra su aerodrums

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Mano Destra/Sinistra su aerodrums

Post by » Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:49 pm

Ciao a tutti.
Ho acquistato da poco lo splendido oggettino.
Sono molto contento dell' acquisto e ancor di più perchè leggendo il forum vedo che non è uno strumentino che acquisti ci giochi e poi lo butti perchè finisce lì ma hai tante possibilità di implementarlo e con un pò di fantasia e pazienza di divertirti un pò!
Ho avuto qualche difficoltà con la latenza ma giocando fra i driver ASIO della miai scheda audio e il driver audio di Windows dividendo i compiti un pò all' uno e un pò all' altro sono riuscito ad ottenere la latenza giusta per poter suonare molto comodamete in modo quasi reale!
Chiaro, ci vuole un pò di pazienza all' inizio.
Mi rimane ancora una cosa che non capisco.
Mentre suono aogni tanto si invertono le mani, la destra con la sinistra e chiaramente vado in panne perchè mentre sto suonando con il charleston con la destra e rullante con la sinstra all' improvviso mi strovo spiazzato con le mani invertite e non capisco perchè!
POsso risolvere il problema in qualche modo?
Grazie e congratulazioni per il software! E soprattutto per l' idea!

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Re: Mano Destra/Sinistra su aerodrums

Post by Richard » Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:18 pm

Hi, if possible, we highly recommend that you use the Exclusive WASAPI option on the Aerodrums Latency screen as this always gives the lowest latency in our experience.

The hand swapping is a known issue and has been improved over time but it still gets it wrong a lot of the time. Since the two drumsticks are identical, we don't have a robust way to determine which stick corresponds to the left hand and which to the right hand. So the software needs to figure this out and there are a lot of tricky cases to deal with, for example playing fast rolls on the hi-hats or floor tom where one marker constantly occludes the other.

As you play more with Aerodrums and your strokes become cleaner I think you'll find that the swapping happens less and less. In any case, the only real consequence to the swapping is that the samples that correspond to the left hand will trigger instead of the samples for the right hand and vice versa but generally this won't even be noticeable. In you're using the 3D/VR mode then it will be a lot more obvious when the hands swap but that only affects the visuals.

There are a number of heuristics we use to determine how to the "unswap" the hands when they become swapped, for example if you make hits with both hands on the same drum, it will fix the hands if they have been swapped - this is reasonable because you generally never cross the hands over when playing on the same drum. So a quick trick to fix the hands if they become swapped is to just hit with both hands on the snare drum - that is a lot quicker than physically swapping the sticks in your hands.

I hope that makes sense. If you think that the hand swapping is happening a lot more than you expect, it would be useful if you could record a video of it so we can see what's happening. I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other issues.
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Re: Mano Destra/Sinistra su aerodrums

Post by » Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:38 pm

Grazie mille sia per la velocità di risposta, sia per i consigli!

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Re: Mano Destra/Sinistra su aerodrums

Post by Wolfgang » Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:07 pm

Richard wrote:
Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:18 pm
So a quick trick to fix the hands if they become swapped is to just hit with both hands on the snare drum - that is a lot quicker than physically swapping the sticks in your hands.
Didn't know that. Smart workaround!

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