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What Sunglasses does everyone use?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:02 pm
by condordontsurf
What are the best sunglasses to use? I have several pairs, but I almost want to know what the makers, used when they were testing this stuff for hours at a time. When I play it is generally for an hour at least. I tend to get lost in the music.

Re: What Sunglasses does everyone use?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 4:15 pm
by Wolfgang
I don’t think they are using any sunglasses, but I don’t want to answer in their place. I’m using Aerodrums for more than 3 years now, I’m playing at least 3 days a week, each time for several hours and I’ve NEVER used any sunglasses.

But I’m not setting up Aerodrums like shown in the handbook. I prefer putting my second screen or my computer on the floor under the camera and having the light coming from above is less annoying for me than to have it always in the corner of my eye.

I also found out that I’ve the tendency (after playing some time) to drift to the side where the screen is placed if it’s not oriented towards the camera.
pic6a.jpg (51.79 KiB) Viewed 9161 times
But if someone is still annoyed by the rest of light, he could get him a cap like this and put it the way that it hides the lamp completely.
pic6b.jpg (19.31 KiB) Viewed 9161 times
This doesn't exist, I've done with Gimp and one of the transparent logos on your website. It's just an idea for a goodies section. Or bundled with Aerodrums. Wouldn’t that be more cool than this horrible sunglasses in carton?

Re: What Sunglasses does everyone use?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 6:54 pm
by condordontsurf
Thanks for the post Wolf. Yeah I am in the same boat as you. I play several times a week and usually for a couple of hours. I definitely feel like it is messing with my eyes a bit. I tried wearing a hat, will probably try further. I keep the camera below my computer rig, basically the opposite of your picture.

Re: What Sunglasses does everyone use?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:37 pm
by Wolfgang
If you have the possibility to put your screen under your camera I suggest you to give it a try if you haven’t tested yet. You can also try with your smartphone’s flash-light if it’s too much hassle to change your installation. Putting the light over your eye-line, under your eye-line and on the same hight but in a corner of your eye should give you an idea which light position is less annoying for you.
In three years I have tried different setups and for me it’s the best like I’m doing. You can even put your screen closer to you just before hiding the foot-markers. More close you put the screen less you will see the light. And with a cap like on the photo I could hide the light completely.

For me the light is most annoying in dark rooms put against a dark background. Putting it against or close to a window for example helps a lot.